Akashic Records — Abortion to the Matrix
This Group Akashic Records session from Feb 2024 had questions on Abortion, Angels, Cosmic Cycles, Cremation, the Death Gene, Holograms, Med-Beds, the New Earth, Reincarnation on other planets, Solar Flares, Soul Contracts, the Spike Protein remedy, the Matrix, and more!
All our Group Akashic Records recordings are viewable by members in the World of Empowerment Community here.
Questions from this Akashic Records session were about:
- Earth changes and climate preparedness
- Importance of family and love
- Concept of the “great cleanse”
- DNA reprogramming and eliminating aging
- Personal growth and self-improvement
- The nature of Source and life
- Advanced beings and reincarnation choices
- Hologram versus matrix understanding
- Adjustment to new earth frequencies
- Manifestation with love frequency
- C*O V 1D and sp*ke protein remedy
- Perspectives on cremation from the Akashic Records
- Abortion and paternal effects
- Soul contracts
- Med Bed healing technologies
- The power of collective consciousness
- Achieving higher levels of consciousness
1. **Climate’s Personal Challenge**: Discover in this Akashic Records why Aingeal Rose believes self-preparedness outshines political efforts when it comes to facing our planet’s ecological shifts. Empower yourself for what lies ahead!
2. **Family Ties in Times of Change**: Ahonu emphasizes the power of love and family connection to keep fear at bay. Find out how you, too, can cultivate these on a deeper level amidst the world’s changes.
3. **Reincarnation & High-Frequency Existence**: The concept of living beyond death? Yes, it’s on the table. Learn in this Akashic Records session about the intriguing possibility of existence without the age-old ‘death gene’.
4. **Self-Improvement in the Akashic Records**: Take Aingeal Rose’s advice to heart by focusing on personal growth to tap into new connections and shifts in the universe.
5. **Manifesting with Love**: Aingeal Rose reveals that love is the frequency you need for smooth manifesting in this new paradigm. Learn how to align with this potent energy.
We’d love to hear your thoughts about this Akashic Records session! Don’t forget to tell your friends who are passionate about spirituality to join the World of Empowerment to get access to these Group Akashic Record sessions — tune in to the Course section here to watch it.
To get this session and more, become a member of the World of Empowerment community here: https://www.worldofempowerment.com/invite.
With love, blessings and bye for now!
P.S: More info about the Akashic Records here.
P.P.S: To learn to read the Akashic Records, Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are running a physical workshop in Sedona in March. More info here. You can also take the online course too, more info about that here.