Akashic Records Sessions Resume After Pandemic Hiatus
We are happy to announce the return of the Akashic Records Group Sessions! We ran these every month consistently for many years ago in Ireland and the USA and now they are returning!
Akashic Records sessions resume on the 3rd Sunday!
These sessions originated from people wanting answers to bigger questions about life, healing, the world, climate change, aliens, and more. We held them in person and online, but stopped them at the beginning of the pandemic. It was regrettable because the information from these sessions was so profound it formed the basis for the 100-book series of Answers From The Akashic Records, 12 of which we have published so far.
Now, due to the increase in energies coming forward today, we are opening the Akashic Records in an Open Forum once more for you to gain clarity and understanding of issues most important to you.
These Group Akashic Record Sessions will be held monthly, on the 3rd Sunday of each month beginning Sunday, May 21st, 2023
Time: 11am to 12 noon MST
Cost: $25.00 per session
Where: online via Google Meet. Link to join sent after registration.
To attend, register here. Have questions ready. Remember, these sessions are NOT for personal questions, but for those of a spiritual or world nature.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Blessings and bye for now!
PS: More info about the Akashic Records here. Don’t miss out, sign up today!
PPS: Members of Reflections In Consciousness attend free!