Upgrade, Or Die?
Back in 2019, Aingeal Rose ran classes in Ireland and in the USA on navigating the dimensional split because many people needed help understanding what they were experiencing, whether it was an upgrade or not.
Many reported issues of dizziness, spaciness, out of body feelings, and sensations of the veil thinning, sudden unexplained illnesses, loss of memory, and other sensations of time lapsing in some way — all apparently symptoms of an energetic or spiritual upgrade.
It appears that this was just the beginning and things are intensifying. In February 2023, Penny Kelly went through a medical emergency where she concluded she had experienced an upgrade. She reports that many people in her tribe are going through the same thing right now.
Well, Aingeal Rose has been seeing strange phenomena lately, too. Several weeks ago, in what appears to be an upgrade, she saw the red rocks of Sedona and even the stores in the streets move backwards and then come forward as if they were shifting timelines in some way or moving out of this dimension.
Like Penny, just last Tuesday, I had to take her into hospital, suffering from high blood pressure and dizziness, causing balance problems. The most comprehensive diagnosis she got was that she was suffering from vestibular neuritis, which is an inner ear disorder that causes symptoms such as sudden vertigo, dizziness, balance problems, nausea, and vomiting. They put her on blood pressure medication and antibiotics to restore her balance, which caused her to see rainbows around everything, but in fairness, she says that was not an upgrade but most likely the sedating effect of the drugs.
But is there anything else going on? That’s the question.
When we updated people on her condition, many responded saying they’ve had similar experiences. They’ve been in hospital recently, they’ve skipped timelines, memory shifts, or an energetic or spiritual upgrade of one kind or another. Many say we seem to be piercing some veil that for some is very tough on the body. Others blame 5G clearly and others say it is evil run amok on our planet, and we’re witnessing the greatest spiritual war in our long human history.
Please tell us what you think. Is it a spiritual upgrade? Are our cell towers, 5G, EMFs and other radiation slowly poisoning us? Are we in end times or are we entering the greatest opportunity that humankind has ever seen?
Let us know your thoughts. We’d love to hear your feedback.